Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The pros and cons of a statement.

As I was returning from work this afternoon, I read a beautiful statement on the rear window of one of the private buses plying in the city, which said, "wherever you go, I'll be there". A very interesting thought indeed! It definitely indicates the intensity of one's feelings towards another as I'd like to put it.

Imagine being with the person you like for the entire lifetime, without losing sight even once. A blissful state to be in when one's passionately in love and has very intense feelings - kind of sleeping and waking together, exchanging innermost thoughts and feelings during every waking hour! Sounding mushy........ not really, it's possible!!

But the flip side is equally interesting. Won't it be boring to be with a single person all through one's lifetime? Doesn't one yearn to be within one's own space with unfettered freedom many a time? This is the dichotomy or the paradox hidden in the statement!


Taking a cue from the saying, where would I like to be now? In San Fransisco or in Europe or somewhere within India - in Delhi, Madras or even Kochi, perhaps? Well, I shall keep that as my personal secret, at least for now!

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