Thursday, January 5, 2012

Interesting observations.

1. The dual lives that we live.

There's this couple that live nearby who've completely changed over the last couple of weeks making everyone of us wonder as to what has brought about such a transformation in them. They're outgoing and socially very active but all that seem to be a thing of the past over the last fortnight. Naturally, most of the neighbourhood was curious including yours truly! And during my evening walk while I came across them, I couldn't help but ask them about it. Their response to my query was an eye opener.

Their son who's just got a job in an MNC abroad was home on a break and his return was subject to getting a few endorsements on his passport for the final visa clearance and he's gonna be here for a while. During his stay, the parents don't want the son to feel neglected(?) and they also do not want him to be mislead by the close relationship that they maintain with their friends. I found it to be a strange apprehension and blurted out in as many words to the couple. Their answer was an uneasy smile with the promise to revert to their actual boisterousness once their son goes away.

Wonder whether the son - he's an intelligent young bloke - is aware of his parents' sacrifice(?) for his sake?

2. Are they too brittle?

My young nephew was supposed to get a letter from a government office at Thiruvananthapuram to do a one week industrial attachment with the organisation's shop floor activities, as part of his engineering study. Towards this end, I'd introduced him to the head of the organisation so that things would be easier for the youngster(in hindsight, I wonder whether I'd done the right thing?).

Alas, that was not to be. Every organisation has its fair share of unhelpful people(reminds me of the adage, 'In an organisation, those who matter do not bother and those who bother do not matter'). The youngster was made to shuttle from one desk to the other and  from one office to the other and his patience was running thin. But what the last straw that broke the proverbial camel's back was when the personal staff of a particular gentleman refused my nephew from meeting him - neither citing reasons nor giving an alternate time!

The extremely harassed and dejected youngster just dashed off to board the first available train to go back home to his parents saying that he'd decided to skip the industrial attachment altogether!!


It took a lot of cajoling and saying that it's the spirit of 'never say die' which ultimately helps anyone to garner victory in his efforts, despite adversities to bring the young man around. He'll be trying his luck yet again this Saturday and I sincerely hope that he swings it this time!

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