Thursday, January 19, 2012

O, to get a death certificate......

1. The tortuous path.

The path that needs to be taken for attaining a 'death certificate' is really tortuous. We'd informed the local panchayat office guys about my dad's passing away and other related particulars. When they'd tom-tommed just a few years back that the entire system had been computerised, I was under the impression that it would become a single window effort to get certificates from the office but that's not to be.

For some mysterious reason, they've still retained the man's importance(for manipulation or to retain their importance, I'm not sure) thereby stifling an effective man - machine interface that the system would have otherwise become!

2. Principles without reasoning?

An old lady had walked into our house to offer her condolences this afternoon. She'd helped dad alongwith the others, many a time in the past, during the seasonal farming activity on our fields and had, in turn, grown to like him. He used to help her monetarily and also intervened occasionally to get her rightful dues from the local governmental organisations.

She was sweating through all her pores, thanks to the oppressive heat, as she came up to me. My sister had brought in a glass of cold juice which she politely refused. And the reason - it's customary that one does not eat  anything from a household where death has taken place till the mandatory and connected ceremonies are over.

Seeing her hapless condition, I persisted, only to be refused gently but firmly. I then urged her to go to our neighbours and have something before started on her long trek home. Perhaps, the custom is backed by scientific reasoning too?      

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