Thursday, September 6, 2012

Setting an example.......

I'd a call from a classmate of mine today and he seemed to be exercised by a colourful anecdote that I'd forwarded to my classmates' group. His retort was cryptic, "you shouldn't have sent it". And it got me thinking.........because, over the years I've been subjected to the same refrain!

My maternal grandparents were the first to tell me that I, being the first from the family's second generation, had the onerous responsibility to lead the way and set an example for all the siblings to follow. I never contested it and took on my job seriously.

My parents insisted upon the fact that I play the roles of friend, philosopher and guide to both my sisters, younger to me. Again, I never contested it and took on my responsibility seriously.

When I joined the Holy Angels' Convent, I was made the leader of the boys and was ever under pressure to behave and conduct ourselves well and set an example to the girls of our class. I was constantly under the watchful eyes of Sister Anne and the teachers for my impeccable(?) behaviour. I didn't have a doubt and took on the role in my stride.

When I joined Sainik School, from the initial years to the final years, when I was made a Prefect first and then the House Captain - in charge of 50 students drawn from the junior classes - the refrain from my House Master and the teachers was that I must not let down my family's reputation and I accepted the covenant without a murmur of protest.

In the Academy too, the credo was to 'never let yourself down' in front of your superiors, colleagues or subordinates through unacceptable behaviour!

And it has been thus ever since. My overall performance in this regard is for the others to judge and comment and I'd like to leave it at that!


To continuously set an example throughout one's existence is one tall order. Why can't I rebel once in a way?  Why do you grudge me that freedom?   

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