Friday, December 3, 2010

Today's a special day!

Today is 'World Disabled Day' and I'd prefer calling it 'the World Physically Challenged Day'.

Our country has come a long way in accommodating this sizeable population with compassion and empathy. Public utilities like the transportation system and its associated utility services like the airports, railway stations and bus stations have catered for the welfare of this cross section of the society and it's indeed a step in the right direction. But we need to do much more with a generous spirit of accommodation.

While taking a solemn pledge to contribute my mite towards the betterment of this population, it's my fond hope that the society, at large, would take care of them wholeheartedly and sincerely!

And to Aviraj and Arzoo, lots and lots of love with the best of wishes. May God be with you always. Here's a promise that I shall endeavour to be with you, always and everytime.

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