Thursday, June 6, 2013

Work done against no payment!

As I'd said previously, I'd handed over my Chevy at the Geeyem Motors to change my ignition key. A few months back, the key that has a non-metallic coat had developed a crack for no rhyme or reason. I was aghast, trying to rack my brain as to how I'd managed it. Finding no reasonable answer and also being sure of the fact that it was not out of any bad handling on my part, I'd reported about it to the dealers who'd assured me that a new key would be delivered within a fortnight.

They'd also said that once they got the key, they'd require my car for two hours for programming the key as each is car-specific - prevents burglary they say!

And it was for that reason that I'd driven into the service station yesterday and had also asked the engineer to identify and rectify a new noise emanating from beneath the chassis - after the weekend trip. Wonder how that had come about, since I don't remember having had a heavy landing or having negotiated a nasty bump at prohibitive speeds! The 'customer executive', Sanju - a smart young man - while punching in my car's particulars, had asked me about its vintage and I'd confidently told him that it was out of warranty period.

But as I was sitting across Sanju, to take delivery of my car this afternoon, he'd a huge smile on his face when he told me that I owed nothing since the renewal of the ignition key and the forward bumper lining - the old lining had worked out loose and was the reason behind the scratchy noise - was free as my Chevy was still under her warranty period - for three years that would finally be over in November, this year. He then told me as to how he'd got the details from the computer and looked at me quizzically as to why I was way off the mark regarding such important information.

The net result was that I didn't have to pay a single paisa of the Rs.25 grand worth of the repairs carried out.  I was, indeed, pleasantly surprised - was it the miser in me, that expected freebies out of anything and everything, that was celebrating the occasion?


The return drive was sheer pleasure, which was predominantly because of the 'work done against no payment' issue! I never knew that there was a Shylock lurking deep within me!! 

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