Friday, February 17, 2017

Double outdoors!

In the Academy, this was the terminology when one had two outdoors one after the other - drill, followed by PT(The cadets didn't mind it) or PT, followed by drill(Dreaded by the cadets because, there was a lot of paraphernalia associated with the rig worn for drill and occasions were aplenty when one forgot the garters or even, the hose tops forcing one to retrace their steps, back to the squadron, to retrieve them!) - within the first three sessions. 

Today, it was double outdoors for Lekha and me. George, was already alerted to chauffeur us as I wasn't familiar with the roads. At 11, Sitharama Iyer and Vincent maash had dropped by to discuss a few things that needed tying up towards the inauguration of the mobile science exhibition on 01 Mar, the 107th birth anniversary of PN Panicker.

Soon after, we're off for the first appointment with the ophthalmologist at 1300 hrs. Dr. Rani Menon's spanking new clinic has come up well with state-of-the-art technology visible in all dimensions and we congratulated her for the efforts. Since Lekha takes a derivative of 'Quinine' for her ailment, frequent checks of her eyesight is mandatory - field trials need to be conducted, every six months from now on. As the staff put Lekha through the various stages of checking vision/colour vision, administering eye drops for the conduct of the field trials and the trials itself, that lasted over 40', it was about a half past 3. Armed with the result, we met the doctor who remembered mom and said something nice while doing a detailed check up of Lekha's eyes.

We're just in time for the 4 o'clock appointment with the surgical specialist at the Elite Mission hospital. The visit was mandatory because of the frequent abdominal pains that have started bothering Lekha. Though she has stones in the gall bladder, since they're asymptomatic, we'd taken a conscious decision of leaving it untouched. The results of the recently conducted liver function test showed that all readings were within the requisite parameters. The doctor has suggested a few restrictions in diet, like reducing oily foods and avoiding bakery products, to the extent feasible, so that the results of the digestive process didn't put pressure on the gall bladder.

We'd returned home by a quarter past 6 with the satisfaction of having finished with the two serials. Getting the medicines for the eyes seems to be a tough proposition as I'd the mortal experience of seeing the last piece - of one of the two - being handed over to the person standing ahead of me in the queue!


The evening walk was a stress buster and a great relief!

Was  it a PT-Drill or a Drill-PT configuration? It didn't matter because the requisite logistics was taken along in George's car!

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