Sunday, January 3, 2016

The blast in the kitchen.

For the last four days my walks have been interrupted because of an injured right, small toe. It so happened that a few evenings ago, I'd tried to rush to hit the water motor switch off when I'd a bad brush with the wall. The forenoon was spent in tying up small things before my journey to Thiruvananthapuram, on work.

Around 10, while I was on the computer at the first floor, there was a loud blast in the kitchen. I knew that Lekha was there but didn't hear anything from her. I'd rushed down to the site to see an open pressure cooker on the gas stove, its lid and certain broken pieces of the handle on the floor and partially cooked rice literally sticking on everywhere from the ceiling to the floor. Lekha'd gone into the adjacent work area to put a tumbler into the sink when the explosion had taken place. We thanked god for the reprieve and I went about clearing up the mess. Phew, I'd only heard about pressure cookers bursting but this was the first experience!

The cause seemed to be a weakened non metallic part of the pressure cooker!

I'd set off for the Thrissur Railway Station by 2, after lunch. A combination of auto rickshaw-bus-and auto rickshaw saw me reach the station an hour later. Paulson, my colleague from the MCO days had come to see me off and so, the time spent on the platform ticked away without my knowledge - the 'super fast' train from Kozhikode was only half an hour late! Luckily, it had a normal chair car which quite often came in the form of a III tier a/c coach working as a substitute but housed only chair car ticket holders(Due to a shortage of coaches I suppose!).

The journey was uneventful and dull. I read through portions of the 'Thaithireeyopanishad' - it was gifted to me by my friend, Narayanan on my birthday! - through the journey. Did the passengers, sitting immediately near me, think that I was attaining 'sanyasi-hood'? They looked at me rather reverentially or was it all my imagination? Everyone surrounding me, incidentally, seemed to suffer from cough and cold and the lady, across the aisle, found it convenient to turn towards me and cough every now and then! I could throttle her then if my inner senses had prevailed. However, when she asked me as to whether we'd arrived at our destination, I could only smile and nod in the affirmative. Even Omanakuttan, who'd come to pick me up, had a bad cold and to me the whole set up looked to be conspiratorial!!

There was a briefing/debriefing session followed by the run down of the activities for the morrow by Maman. We'd be off to Chathannoor, about sixty kms from here, by 9 tomorrow and it's gonna be a long day.


And there will be the unpleasant job of telling my 'number two' certain harsh truths but also retaining him in the fold with the same degree of motivation if not greater. Now, that's a tricky one!     

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