Monday, December 10, 2018

Another week begins.

We'd got up a trifle late this morning and went about our chores. There was a pleasant surprise in that Group Captain Rakesh Nanda was the first one to call up to wish me many happy returns. He'd gone back to '15 when he and his wife had visited us when my Malayalam birthday had fallen on this date. Little did he know that the Malayalam calendar being based on the lunar movements, the dates change yearly. I didn't have the heart to tell him so but I shall, definitely, at a later date! But it was damn sweet of him!!

The day had gone along smoothly with nothing very great happening.

Have given my cousin all of Lekha's details so that she's able to do the booking for her with Dr. Mahesh for the OPD next Tuesday, 18 Dec. It's with this input that Lekha has to meet Dr. Padmanabha Shenoy on 07 Feb '19.

Suma kunjamma, finally, didn't fetch up as they seem to have had a late night because of the house warming ceremony.

It was a quiet evening. The Medicare sent me a fresh batch of Udiliv 150 as I'd wanted.


Lekha has decided to visit the Mammiyoor temple tomorrow as Raji, our friend, is dropping by on Wednesday for a change to attend a wedding out here.


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