Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My last day in office.

It was a touching day at the office today when my staff showed a rainbow of emotions on my imminent departure. Right from the first hour, people came to me with their show of warmth and the 'will be missing you' line. It definitely was an ego booster but from deep within me, the question that kept coming at me was as to what I'd done for such extreme display of finer feelings. Frankly, I've not done anything out of the way and all that I did was to do my job to the best of my ability. And as I'd told them in my valedictory speech, I put my mind to the work at hand and spoke, always from my heart - the recipe had never failed me.

But I now realise that I can stand for elections and I'm sure to win hands down as I've it in me to get people to understand and view things from my point of view! Should I've a 'Gandhi topi' stitched and kept ready for me?

The afternoon get together at the Kota House bar was a short but sweet affair. And as I was slowly getting nice and high, my coursemate Naresh Kalia, who happened to pass by then reminded me about his son's reception at the same venue in the evening and warned me of dire consequences if I did not make it. So, it's gonna be a double whammy in indulgence for me today!

I think I'll jog in the evening instead of my regular walk to get the Brandy-Ginger Ale concoction out of my system!!

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