Friday, January 21, 2011

Retracing my roots!

As the day unfurled, it was a journey, of sorts, into the past. And I'd reiterated it to myself that the emphasis was to make contact with every single man that I come across this day and for the subsequent days, as each one of them is going to play a significant role in my life for the coming months. It was, therefore, my need to understand what actuates them and what bothered them.

There were my friends and well wishers who're generally happy to have me back as though they expected me to bring about a spectacular change and I was definitely surprised because you must understand that I'm still in mourning (at having left Delhi, if you please!).

As I went about putting my personal things on track I'd made a visit to the good 'ole 'Malabar Tailors' to place an order for a fresh set of uniforms. They're thrilled that I'd visited them and reiterated my loyalty as their trustworthy customer. And mind you, many people had tried dissuading me from going there on two counts:-
(a) There were guys within reach who could do the same thing and anyways, why sweat on quality when it comes to uniform? In other words, anything goes.
(b) Going towards broadway(mind you, in the '70s when this road was constructed it had a breadth of 100ft and was tom tommed as the widest road in the area and hence, christened 'broadway'. Today, it's hopelessly narrow and is witness to many a traffic snarl) during working hours is a nightmare and so why go through it if one can avoid it?

The reception that I got at the 'Malabar's Tailors' told me that I'd indeed taken the right decision!! Day 1 in Kochi, thus far, has gone off fine.

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