Saturday, November 17, 2018

Another of those useless 'hartals'.

Had got up early in the morning, oblivious of the looming no-show waiting to happen further today. Meanwhile, I'd spruced myself up for my return to Guruvayur on discharge. Lekha had called up around a half past 8 to say that it was a state wide 'hartal' and therefore, today's movements have been curtailed consequently. It was, then, that the whole situation had sunk into my system!

I, then, told the Sister-on-duty, the comely Smitha Nair, that I would be staying another day after discharge at the hospital. Things were immediately organised by her regarding the overstay! And that was that!!

Sister Smitha, who used to be on evening duties out here, earlier, happened to come by and I could say my hello and bye to her. I'd really been wanting to do that.

My Medical Board Proceedings were approved and the discharge summary reached me by 1400 hrs. Thus, I was armed in every which way to make a hasty return, tomorrow, after Lekha came along with Rema and gang in the latter's car!

Otherwise, it was yet another quiet day!

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