Thursday, April 24, 2014

Boxed up!

As I'd said yesterday, the road in front of my house was being resurfaced with granite flakes and soft mud. Today was the second and the final day for the work to be completed. The working team had come by 8, in the morning and they had gone about their work in right earnest to spread the material evenly on the existing strip.

The road roller had come after the lunch hour accompanied by the water bowser and they went about their turns without much ado. But by the end of their efforts, the entire road had got so slushy that any movement, on foot, needed superhuman efforts to walk through the muck that was ankle deep. What had happened was that their estimates had gone horribly wrong viz.:-

      (a) the entire amount of water brought in by the bowser was emptied onto the mud filled road. It had
           come at a price and there was no question of sending back the unused water, so it seemed!
      (b) the oppressive heat would dry up the wetness - despite the excess - without delay.

In fact, the contractor sensing my unease, had come to assure me that things would get squared up within no time and that the offensive looking slush would get sorted out on its own. While delivering this piece of conversation he, himself, looked pathetic with the rolled up sleeves of his trousers and his footwear in his hands badly caked with an overdose of dirt! His demeanour further convinced me that my unease was not misplaced!!
A few of the vendors, who provided services to our houses, beat a hasty retreat without venturing on their intended work, despite their good intentions. My evening walk was given a convenient go by as I didn't want to be a carrier of dirt into my house! We're truly boxed up!!

Was the strengthening of the road a bad idea, after all? Or was it the overindulgence on the water, by the road laying team, that had brought about the mess?


After reviewing the situation, the contractor has suggested that a couple of truckloads of rock sand could be spread and the road roller administered on the surface to retrieve the situation. And the cost, an additional
Rs.10 grand for no fault of ours! 

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