Saturday, October 10, 2015


1. Deterrent a must and that too, quickly.

The Mainpuri incident shows that there's some group out to foment trouble. Is it to show that life's gonna be difficult in this country if beef is consumed? What adds strength to this doubt is the revelation by the police that certain texts and WhatsApp messages were in circulation prior to the violence.

The incident was provoked by a rumour that a cow was killed and the skin was being removed whereas, in actuality, the cow was dead long before and the carcass was handed over to the scavengers who're skinning it as was normal practice. Thankfully, an alert police had ensured that the violence didn't get out of hand.

The rumour mongers and the hate spreaders need to be tackled forthwith and it needs to be ensured that the punishment meted out should act as a deterrent to future mischief makers!

         *                                              *                                                  *

2. Aren't these people entitled to something better?

I'd heard about this story from the media.

26 year old Sanjay Waghela offers a gutter cruise for Re.1 in his shaky thermocol ferry from Juhu to Koliwada. With a bladeless oar, he rows from 6 AM to 8 PM, every day, to end up with blisters on his palms but, in the process, is able to earn between Rs.200 and Rs.300 for the stretch that's a mere 20 second ride.

Some ingenuity this!


My cousin and his wife had fetched up a trifle late in the evening to spend time with us. He's a banker based in Coimbatore and is busy with his work thanks to him being a 'Cluster Head'. The whole of Tamilnadu comes under his jurisdiction and therefore, he has a lot of travel to do.

It's great to catch up with the couple!


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